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What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP)?

Exercise Physiologists (EP's) specialise in clinical exercise programs for persons at high-risk of developing, or with existing, chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries. These programs include prescribing exercise for specific conditions, health and physical activity education, advice and support , and lifestyle modification with a strong focus on achieving behaviour change.


Exercise is medicine, and it's important it is prescribed in the right dosage to prevent or manage your health conditions and injuries. However in order for the 'medicine' to work we need you, as the client, to do your part and take your 'medicine' as required. We will work proactively along side your team of health practitioners to best support your recovery and return to health.


Some people may be unsure of the difference between an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and a Physiotherapist. Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists are both allied health professionals, however AEPs primary focus is to use active therapy to prevent, manage and treat complex medical conditions.


Exercise Physiologists work alongside manual therapists (physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists) to assist the client take an active approach to managing their condition, expediting their recovery and return to work and life. AEP's are the experts in exercise based rehabilitation and are qualified to work from early rehabilitation, through to chronic injuries and illness all the way through to return to competitive sport.



How do I join the small group classes?

We require all  new clients to attend an initial assessment.  This is so we can take any relevant medical history, review your movement and work with you one on one with our equipment. It also allows us to individualise exercises to you as much as possible within a group setting as exercise is not a one size fits all! 



Do I need a doctor's referral to access your services?

For private Exercise Physiology a referral is not required. However to access Medicare rebates for a Chronic disease management plan (CDMP) or diabetes program you will need a referral from your GP. For insurance clients through Workers Compensation or CTP insurance you will need a referral and pre-approval for services.



Can I use my private health insurance?

Yes, depending on your level of cover and whether it includes Exercise Physiology. You may be able to claim for private sessions as well as small group classes. We have HICAPS for on the spot claiming.



​What should I wear to my Exercise Physiology appointment or class?

It is best to wear clothing suitable for the gym, with closed in footwear like trainers for strength classes, and clean grippy Pilates socks for working on our Pilates equipment. We sell grippy socks in the studio if you forget your pair!



What should I expect from my initial appointment?

At your initial assessment  or class pre-screening appointment with our Exercise Physiologist we will take a detailed relevant medical history  and activity levels, including any other treatment you are receiving, discuss your goals and current barriers, review how your body currently moves and  work with you one on one to formulate a treatment plan.


The session will also include introducing you to our equipment and get you started with some exercises. Your treatment plan  will address how we can provide you with the best support throughout your journey including recommendations on treatment time frames, review appointments, home program reviews, small group classes or referrals to other services within our network at ATUNE Health Centres, ensuring we are providing you with advice, direction and freedom to choose your path  towards your health goals. 



Do you provide a written program?

We sure do! We want you to complete the exercises so we make it easy for you. We use software that provides video, pictures and explanations to provide your home exercise program. You can access it via your computer, phone or tablet and even  track and record your progress making it easier than ever to achieve you goals. If you prefer paper we can always print it out too!



Your treatment plan will address how we can provide you with the best support throughout your journey including:

  • Recommendations on treatment time frames

  • Review appointments

  • Home program reviews

  • Small group classes

  • Referrals to other services within our network at ATUNE Health Centres,

All whilst ensuring we are providing you with advice, direction, and the freedom to choose your path towards your health goals.


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